Selective Insights – Part 1

Heath Gross

A Costly Example It was 2003. I was stationed in the Middle East serving as the Special Projects Officer for the Resident Office of Counterterrorism, where I ran HUMINT operations for the US military.  I recall vividly how I, my colleagues, and the nation watched as top government officials, including Former Secretary of State Colin Powel, paraded satellite photos of …

Connecting Information Silos

Heath Gross

Over the last several years there have been a number of interesting articles written about breaking down information silos, in fact, I have even used that term myself in the past. However, the more I work with clients attempting to overcome the information silo dilemma, I am convinced the emphasis should instead be on connecting information silos. Let’s face it, …

Six Degrees of Connection

Heath Gross

Improve the ROI and sustainability of competitive intelligence in your organization by linking CI to Strategy using six analytical tools. In order to increase the ROI, and thus the sustainability, of Competitive Intelligence (CI) within your organization, it is essential to link research with strategy.  While there is a growing dialogue concerning the need to increase the impact of CI …

Think Like the Competitor, Act Like the Competitor, Beat the Competitor

Heath Gross

How many of you remember this dialogue?  If you don’t know what a dial-up modem sounds like, you are probably too young to remember this movie. Scientist:         General, are you prepared to destroy the enemy? General:          You betcha! Scientist:         Do you think they know that? General:          I believe we’ve made that clear enough. Scientist:         Then don’t! Tell the President to …

What’s After Next

Heath Gross

Leveraging competitive intelligence to identify innovation white space Today many companies are surveying the market and asking themselves, “What can we make next, how can we improve our product and what would be innovative?”  ‘What’s next?’ can often lead to incremental innovation, continued competition, and a lack of differentiation. Instead we should be asking, ‘What’s after next?’  Leveraging competitive intelligence, …

Threat Indicator Analysis

Heath Gross

This is a series of six blog posts designed to provide analytical tools that will help competitive intelligence practitioners link CI to strategy. If It Is Good Enough for the CIA… While serving in Kuwait as a counter-terrorist agent for the US Government, one of my responsibilities was to detect, evaluate and report on potential terrorist threats in the region.  …

DIY Competitive Intelligence

Heath Gross

The Pros and Cons of “Do It Yourself” Competitive Intelligence I can say with confidence that 99% of companies in the world practice some form of competitive intelligence (CI). It may not be a formal, sophisticated process, but almost all companies have some way of trying to figure out what their competition is up to.  Often when I am explaining …

Anatomy of CI – Part 2

Heath Gross

Ad-hoc vs Monitoring Imagine if you tried to navigate a busy street but you could only see and hear for 5 seconds out of every minute.  Would that be a safe way to travel?  No, because the situation would change too fast, and with far too great of consequences to be safe.  Think about how most companies conduct competitive intelligence …

Anatomy of CI – Part 1

Heath Gross

Over the years there have been numerous comparisons between organizations and organisms, as they share many fundamental similarities, namely: Organisms are essentially ‘living’ systems that depend on the external environment to meet their needs Organizations are made up of interconnected sub systems that must work together to adapt, grow and thrive If you think of your organization as an organism, …