Best Practices in Competitive Landscape Development

Jennifer Sayers

To succeed, life sciences organizations must enhance secondary research with primary intelligence.  As therapeutic areas constantly evolve with new treatments, regulatory advancements, shifts in reimbursement, and M&A activity, pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies must evolve new strategies which lead to sustained competitive advantage. To best inform their strategy, it’s critical that these organizations have a comprehensive view of the competitive landscape …

How an Informed Pricing and Packaging Strategy Guarantees Competitive Advantage

Heath Gross

A study found that on average companies spend only six hours over the entire life cycle of their product developing their pricing and packaging strategy, in contrast with other research that indicates that pricing and packaging is the top determining factor for 87% of customers when making purchasing decisions.  While there are several factors that should be considered when developing …

Know where your competitors are conducting clinical trials!

Sedulo Group

Introduction: Sedulo Group recently analyzed clinical trials for unapproved primary immuno-oncology (IO) drugs. Our analysis of global data gathered from multiple trial registries provided a compelling snapshot of the recent IO clinical landscape and prompted several unanswered questions regarding future evolution and the impact on manufacturers competing in the space. Our Approach to this Analysis:  We started by analyzing pharma-sponsored …

COVID-19 Impact on Pharma: A Q2 Earnings Narrative

Aditya Kelkar

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a very strong impact on all global economies across multiple sectors. Its impact on the US Pharma industry was significant in the first quarter, causing most companies to adjust and realign their businesses in response to the outbreak. The pandemic not only had a direct impact on Q1 revenues, but also affected overall drug development …

Strategic Considerations for a World in Flux

Erik Iwanski

Before COVID-19 transpired executives were concerned with their strategic assumptions and the results of getting them wrong.   A February 2020 Gartner study cited lack of confidence in strategic assumptions as the leading corporate risk among senior executives across a diverse set of industries and global geographies in Q4 2019. A strategic assumption can be defined as the unstated belief that something is likely to occur to enable an achievable strategic goal. Depending on the …

COVID-19 Impact on Pharma: A Q1 Earnings Narrative

Aditya Kelkar

The COVID-19 outbreak generated widespread concern over how pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medtech companies would cope with stringent national and regional lockdowns. Financial results from Q1 provide the first indicator of how this public health crisis will impact this industry and what the future may hold.  By early May, earnings for most of the significant players in the pharma industry had been announced, …

Lessons Learned from The Great Recession

Phil Britton

While times are tough and it seems as if the economy is in freefall, the fact remains – customers are still making financial choices on what, where, and how much to spend. The mental calculus is changing, however, there is no need to panic, we have seen this before. A little over ten years ago, before joining the Sedulo team, …

Selective Insights – Part 2

Heath Gross

Battling Bias The danger of Selective Insights is not limited to the government sector; it can prove costly in the business world as well. A few years ago, my firm was hired by a large software company to conduct research on a new money-management product their key competitor was rumored to be developing. The client was worried because they believed …